Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Write five lines about what you found interesting from yesterday’s discussion about the differences between communism and socialism. IF you were absent for that discussion look up the differences and write what you found interesting about what you found.

They were both very interesting. I would not really like the idea of communism, because i like the challenge of trying to be better then others. If the world were all communism then most likely it would not be where it is today, because people would not have tried as hard.


an economic system in which investment in and ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange of wealth is made and maintained chiefly by private individuals or corporations,especially as contrasted to cooperatively or state-owned means of wealth.

There are many examples of capitalism. McDonalds, Coca-Cola, Nike, Pepsi, Walmart, K-Mart, and many more

What was the average person’s life like during the Industrial Revolution? Would you like that life why or why not?

The average person had to wake up at 6:ooam and then go to work. If they were late they were fined and even possible locked out of the factory, losing that days pay. They were fed three meals a day, all of them were cheap meager meals. They only received a lunch break during the whole day, and their shift usually ended aroud 6:00pm.
I personally would not enjoy this life. You did not have the opportunity to interact with kids your age, and you were paid very little. I work at the hospital right now and I make over $9 an hour. these people usually only got six pence a year. which is not a lot considering all the work they did.

1833 Factory Act

  • No children under 9 were to work in factories (silk mills exempted).
  • Children under 13 years were to work no more than 9 hours per day and 48 hours per week.
  • Children under 18 were not to work nights.
  • 4 paid Inspectors were appointed.
  • Two 8-hour shifts per day of children were to be allowed
I think that this reform was necessary. The workers including the children were treated very badly, and even sometimes killed. I think that if this did not happen we would not be where we are today.

Chapter 9: The Industrial Revolution

Chapter 9 goes over the Industrial Revolution, which is when machines replaced hand labor as the standard means of producing goods.
The Revolution began in the 1700s with the seed drill invention. It then began to spread rapidly and the countries all over the world began to industrialize.
I am hoping to learn more things by making this blog, and am hoping to make some money… So Mr. Strawder click on my ads…haha

Sunday, February 13, 2011

"It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker, that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own self-interest. We address ourselves, not to their humanity but to their self-love, and never talk to them of our own neccessities but of their advantages."

This means that people are not going to give out money for free. You are going to have to go out and earn it. Meaning that in order for you to eat or have shelter you are going to have to obtain a job and keep it, because without this job the people who are working are not going to give out to charities.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Facebook was Created by Mark Zuckerburg in 2004. Facebook is a social networking site where people are able to interact all over the world via internet.
It has changed the world dramatically. People are able to use it all over the world except for countries where it has been banished. Family and friends can keep up to date with each other. Also it is widely popular throughtout the world, everyone knows what a facebook is or even has one.

The Steam Engine

James Watt's development of the steam engine led to a large number of further developments. using steam to create energy meant that this new form of powering a machine could be used anywhere, rather than just next to a stream/ river as with the Water Frame. The steam engine is best associated with the invention of trains but also was used to power machinery in factories, to power lifts in mines and for many other purposes.

The Water Frame

Richard Arkwright patented the Water Frame in 1769. It had been designed by Thomas highs on his behalf. The Water frame was a large wheel that was turned by running water. This was then harnessed to turn cogs inside a factory which then made the machinery work. This invention led to the building of a number of factories and is regarded by some as being the catalyst of the Industrial Revolution.

The Spinning Jenny

The Spinning jenny was a machine that could spin threads of wool. It was invented by jasmes hargreaves in 1770 and initially could spin 8 threads at once. Hargreaves developed this machine to the extent that it could spin 120 threads at any one time, compared to spinning one thread at a time by hand.

Do You think that there will be another technological boom...why?

Yes I do, I think that the next biggest thing will be all electric cars. Since the price of gas is rising due to running out we need to find another way to fuel our cars....and i believe this will be it.

How is this blog useful and what concerns are there about this project.

I believe that a blog is useful because it gives you a chance to write out your opinion and have other people from all over the world to see it and comment. So you have the opportunity to receive perspectives from differnt people with different backgrounds.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Chapter 9: Industrialization and the Race for Empire 1700-1914

Chapter 9 goes over the Industrial Revolution, which is when machines replaced hand labor as the standard means of producing goods.
The Revolution began in the 1700s with the seed drill invention. It then began to spread rapidly and the countries all over the world began to industrialize.
I am hoping to learn more things by making this blog, and am hoping to make some money… So Mr. Strawder click on my ads…haha